( College Code :- 595 ) Year Of Established :-2012
Candidate desirous of taking admission shall follow Admission Schedule which will be displayed on institution’s notice board and in website.
Students shall purchase admission form and Fully fill all the mandatory details signing in appropriate places. He thought to ensure that information furnished by him/her is correct.
A final merit list shall be prepared after careful scrutiny of forms by Admission Committee.
The selected students shall have to pay requisite fee within stipulated time, failing which his admission may stand cancelled.
The admission rules and fee structure may change from time to time as per the directives of the university.
College strictly follows all the rules and regulations in respect of admission of the girls as well as the students belonging to backward community.
Students will be notified about any change in admission procedure or any information related to admission on institution’s notice board.
Institution shall never grant admission on the basis of duplicate TC.
Depending on the availability of seats re-admission in the same class may be given on the payment of additional fee along with the prescribed fee for the paid course. Students taking re-admissions will not be entitled to any kind of concession. Refusing re-admission is at the sole discretion of the Principal.
The principal reserves the right to suspend, rusticate or debar any student found to be violating rules and regulations of the institution.
Original Income Certificate
2 Photocopy of Marksheet (X)
Marksheet of XII
2 Photocopy of Marksheet (XII)
Original Leaving Certificate
2 Photocopy of Leaving Certificate
2 Photocopy of Adhar Card
1 Photocopy of Caste Certificate
Gap Certificate (if gap in education)
2 Photocopy of Bank Account Passbook
GOI Scholarship Sanction Order (Original)
Death Certificate (Optional, if Father is not alive)